About me

Dr. Herwig Klima

My credo:
more results
with less effort

Want to get in touch?

go for it!
Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria
Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria
Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria
Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria


“We do not learn for school, but for life” 

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (1 – 65 AC)


Masters degree in telecommunication technology & IT (Technical University Graz)


Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering & Economics (Technical University Vienna & Technical University Graz)

Engineering Consultant

State authorized notification engineering consultant for electrical engineering

Forwarding Agent

Qualifying certification in transportation & logistic services

Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria


IT, OT & Telecom

IT, OT & telecom experience with more than 30 years in the energy industry,
particular for telecom enterprise, hydropower plants and grid companies

Starting Businesses

Set up several successful telecommunication companys in a consortium

Special Telcom Projects

Created and led pecial telecommunication projects for critical infrastructures worldwide (e.g. subterraneous, high alpine, earth – space)

Managing Director

More than 25 years in management positions, primarily as managing director, for critical infrastructures


Seeking new challenges 

Growth occurs when we venture into new areas

Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria
Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria

More Experience

Team Development

Created and grew teams, founded companies business

Critical Infrastructure

Managed telecom, IT & OT projects for critical infrastructures

Certification support

Certified systemic coach according to St.Galler Coaching Model (SCM)®
Certified ESG Manager
Experienced in: ISO 9001, 27001, 14001, NIS2


National and international publications regarding ICT for critical infrastructure

Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria


Want to work with me?

Sustainable cargo and digitalisation from Herwig Klima for your future with engineering and consultion in austria

go for it!


Stockingfeld, 5760 Saalfelden
Lichtensteinstrasse, 1090 Vienna


+43 664-381-4477

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